Three's A Crowd

It's been quite a while since I've blogged.  I had a whirlwind weekend with a visiting friend from NJ.  And then I jumped back into the work grind and the dating world.

The visit with my NJ friend showed me more of Charleston that I hadn't discovered.  We went to the PBR Rodeo, a horse drawn carriage ride of the city, jazz concert, friend singing at bar concert, random musician show, and a lot of eating at great places and lots of laughs and great talks.  I hadn't really gotten to know my visiting friend well but that weekend really locked in who she was and I learned so much about her.  I was happy for that quality time but I had to take an extra vacation day to recuperate from the fun and food overdose. It was worth it.

What I did learn is that sometimes it's best to be 1 on 1 and not always be a trio. I love to merge my friends and see how they mix.  I learned that I shouldn't make sociology experiments out of friendships.  I also learned that some friends are best solo while others play better with others in the sandbox. 

The same can go for dating. 

I went on 3 more dates since I left the last blog entry.  The first date was with a night club promoter for a jazz club, the second- a guitarist who is too brooding for my taste and the 3rd - a second date with the night club promoter who decided to make the date a threesome-without my knowledge or consent this evening.

Flash back to my guitarist date who I was super interested in meeting and initiated the date last Saturday.  Let's call him Axe.  Axe hates his job, hates Charleston, and as the night progressed he was hating the idea of being in the same room another minute with me.  Axe and I had been emailing from since I renewed my membership in November.  I challenged him with finding a band and playing music critics and have a few drinks.  Well, the band was great. Ten Foot Polecats.  Look them up.  They are great and coming back to SC in July.  They are from Boston but sound like they are from Louisiana.  I urged Axe to talk to the guitarist because they were all from Boston.  He shook his head no.  I felt comfortable talking to the band members while Axe sat on the side lines, making faces and talking through his hand like a microphone the entire night.  I think others saw the look of discomfort on our faces and decided to insert themselves in our lack of conversation. Thank God for Marion and the dude who lost his cell phone!

Another 3's a Crowd moment.  Marion was by herself and kept talking to us.  She would talk to me and I would respond.  She was really sweet.  Axe would make a face at her and mumble something or other from time to time through his hand.  Then the lost cell phone man thing!  This man lost his phone and I picked it up and insisted we look for the owner.  Axe, frowned, shrugged and pushed the phone away.  When I located the owner, he was so elated that he gave me a big hug and kiss and took a picture of me with his cell phone.  Axe was mortified.  He looked away as if he didn't know me and you know what...he obviously didn't know me or appreciate me either.  The band was about to start its second set.  After noticing Axe glowering at his watch 100 times during the evening, I gave him an out to go home.  He and I stood outside in the rain and he threw jamming together as an option to get together again.  He asked the question but sounded as if he'd rather have a root canal without Novocain. He advised that I should only send a short list of cover tunes because he was busy and was focusing on his band's work.  I asked him if he would rather send me his band's work and I can sing some of his stuff.  He shut me down and said "No, that music is stuff I wrote just for me. What about covers?" I joked and told him that I would send him a list of 100 songs.  He said "Ha ha, no keep it short and No Aerosmith." Well, sports fans, I just about kicked him in the groin.  Are you friggin' kidding me?!  He knew that I am A HUGE Aerosmith fan! HUGE!  Love the music!  It was like he said it to hurt me to the core. What was even odder was that he proceeded to tell me a story about how his uncle from Boston sold the drummer Joey Cramer, a boat.  I was awed.  "How cool!" I exclaimed.  He downplayed it. "It's not a big deal." In my head, I was like "If it wasn't a big deal, why did you tell me the stupid story in the first place, you quirky douche bag?!"  I lost all respect for him and was angry again.  Strike 3.  This was my 4th date and these were not good odds. 

So Night Club Promoter guy- Let's call him JR.  JR, a single dad, came on like a strong cup of coffee after a long night out at a dance club in Vegas.  He was too much too soon but I heeded the advice of my co-workers and friends and decided to give him "another chance."  Previous experience has taught me not to entertain guys that come on so strong so soon because that's usually an indicator that there's something they are not secure with.  Over texting, Over complimenting and being my biggest fan without seeing my "show" (keep your mind out of the gutter!) are all red flags for very bad things to come.  But still, I went to his jazz night.  Great band!  Great Sax!  Too much JR.  But I pumped the breaks, refrained from responding to his numerous saccharine texts and decided to meet him again -due to his insistent requests for a 2nd date on the 1st date. Oh, BTW, he was in a car accident on Monday and felt it necessary to text me and tell me about the accident prior to taking care of himself or his brother who was also in the accident.  What?!  Baffled by the so-soon closeness, I still made plans to see him tonight. 

I advised him that my friend would be coming with me.  He insisted we sit at his reserved table to get the "royal treatment".  As we walked into the club, I saw another woman sitting at the table looking around for him.  I remember that look on the lonely woman's face.  That was the look I had on my face the previous week as he ran around "working the night".  I think most of the "business" he was doing was not necessary but an act to give one the impression that he was really important.  Interesting.  She was dressed for a date.  Décolletage out, make up on and hair did.  I remember that date look too.  That was the date look I had last week.  I will also mention that I rushed to Marshalls after work to purchase an emergency pair of Franco Sarto shoe booties and 2 tops so that I didn't show up in the football jersey I was allowed to wear to work.  Ah!  The things I've done for guys! 

Anyway, the awkward evening involved me, my friend and this woman all sitting at his reserved uncomfortable.  It was worse than a 2nd date.  It was like it was some declaration that JR was the Mack Daddy.  He turned out looking like the Jacked Up Daddy.  And he was so loosing credibility with all females at this special table.  The band started to play so we were distracted by the beautiful music.  After 3 glasses of wine, all 3 of us were on the dance floor.  But it was a false Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants moment.  I was oddly jealous but more pissed off.  I don't know why I was either emotion because I didn't even know the dude and was begrudgingly going out to see if I was truly interested. 

I lost interest even more when he would nudge me under the table and then giggle and whisper in her ear.  So uncool!  He had no game but wanted the people in the club to think the opposite.  I am an actress but I like to know my script before I put on a show.  I don't like being tricked into a falsehood.  I quickly paid my tab.  Gave him a weak "Give your Great Aunt Mable A Hug" hug and took the hell off.  What a tool! 
Saturday is a date with Harvey.  (Again, these names are changed to protect the innocent and guilty).  Harvey is an uber super busy international sales and marketing dude.  He travels North America and was just assigned Central America. He's got a big sibling family with lots of nieces and nephews; he's originally from the Northeast and seems to be nice.  He and I pre-planned our date back in mid-January.  I asked him to make the plans since he knows the area better.  He's been keeping in touch while on the road and there are so many questions I still want to ask him.  He recently sent me a message through Connect Mail and advised that I should wear layers because of the predicted temperature (he's been monitoring the weather!) and the heads up to keep my afternoon free with hopes that we may take a walk on the beach after lunch (confident).  "Should I bring a bottle of wine?"  Hell yeah, Harvey!  I like a guy who knows what to do and can make decisions when asked.   I am looking forward to this one.  I really hope this one doesn't disappoint.   I will definitely share the experience.   ;-)

So my Doogie Howser, M.D. closing is that: Two's company, Three's a crowd and dogging Aerosmith with me, is not allowed.

OH!  And on the health note, Physical Therapy is working well.  I am progressing.  I was jealous when another patient graduated today.  I am an overachiever to the core!  My doctor may sign me out next week.  Fingers crossed. I'd like to start running so I can be up to snuff for the Bridge Run (10K).  I think I'd like to try a 10K again before the 1/2 marathon.  I'm not ready for the half yet. 

OH OH!  I lost a total of 4 pounds in 5 weeks.  The NJ friend visit got me 1 pound up.  But 1 pound from a girl's weekend visit?!  That's a blessing. I'm back down this week.  I am going to try to work out 3 more times this week. 


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