Manic Monday

I was totally OK waking up this morning until I realized it was MONDAY!  I don't know why it always comes as a complete surprise when Sunday lays down it's dreary, weary head and Monday slaps you in the face like Cher from Moonstruck.
I instantly had the realization that I will need to get up before the 2nd snooze alarm goes off.  I looked out the window and promised myself that I would work out today.  It's part of my 2011 goals right?! So I figure kicking the day off with a mental reminder would get me back on track. 

Some background: My elliptical machine is at the bottom right of my bed. It stands like a stoic metal dinosaur in a museum.  It was an impulse buy from QVC or HSN.  I can't remember -because I was most likely in a sugar shock guilt coma when I punched in the order online.
My exercise reminder stares at me every morning.  What's really great is that I can "fold" it up and push it in the corner of my bedroom and pretend it's an artistic sculpture.  But it's too darn heavy to move any where else. 

So I get ready and out of the house for work but left a few things askew.  I told myself that it was a good thing that I didn't have a townhouse showing today because I left a few items all over the floor.  Socks, PJ's, etc. 

I get to work only to discover that the gas tank cover on my car is scratched.  I was appalled!  I am THAT person who parks in the farthest spot in the lot to prevent scrapes, dings and scratches.  However, because I tend to be chronically late for work, I play my odds and scurry to the office in the nick of time parked next to the "people who park next to each other".
I think I stood outside of my car for quite some time staring at the scratches that I put on the car trying to chip the ice off the gas tank cover with my debit card. I suppressed a primal scream.  I try to buff the scrapes out with a rag and it only makes it worse.  And it was my stupid fault for scratching up my own car! Why can't I take care of new things?! Damn debit card, damn ice, damn Charlotte.  I was so mad!  I stomp into the office. Snarl "good morning" through a fake game show host smile at the Security guards and tromp into the office. 

My inbox taunted me by holding as many emails as it could display on the main screen.  Then 3 people resigned back to back and I was on deck/on call because my co-worker was in a marathon of employee relations resolutions.  It was a busy busy day.  I got a call from a realtor asking to show the townhouse at 4:30 that same day.  I was mad that I didn't get my 24 hours notice!  How rude?  Didn't they know I can't show my place with socks on the floor?!  It's not my house. My house is being inhabited by a not so nice tenant that refuses to connect to me.  But that's for another blog at another time.

My cheery dear friend came to visit and was a major ray of sunshine but in a split second she ran off to tackle her Monday.  I was snarly.  I was surly.  I wanted the day to end.  I barked at my other co-worker who didn't deserve me being so rude.  I couldn't pin point why I was in such a mood.  I was mad and I wanted to eat every greasy fried item at the cafe.  I didn't want to eat the Whiskey Steak Healthy Choice Steamer lunch.  I wanted fried with a side of fries.  I was mad that I made the goal to lose weight.  Why can't I be happy not being able to wear only 2 pairs of pants in my closet?!  I was mad that I felt uncomfortable in my own skin.  I thought to myself, I can't wait to go home and just sleep.

I can't stand it when people tell me how surprised they are when I'm in a bad mood when my name has the word "joy" in it.  NEWS FLASH! People named Joy have bad days.  They aren't eternally happy like a Disney Princess.  They have tragic, eat everything that's in the house while listening to the blues, while polishing off a bottle of wine days just like everyone else. 
I was mad at the world and I tried to turn it around.  But it wasn't working at work.  I managed to eat what I planned to eat in my Weight Watcher food plan.  But I didn't drink enough water.  Stupid water! 

I called my mom and chatted with her on my way home.  I hadn't talked to her in a while and it was a pleasant conversation.  Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.  As I was driving home and talking to her, I was plotting how I was going to show this day a thing of two when I got home.  I had wine on chill and a lot of movies on my DVR to watch.  Lazy weekend TV gluttony.  I was going to recapture my weekend again! Ha ha!

But in some really odd twist of fate...As I was talking with my mom, I cleaned 2 bathrooms, washed some dishes, cleaned off the scratches on my car with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, got changed into my workout clothes and "ran" 3.5 miles in 61 minutes (616 calories burned) on my elliptical because it was pouring outside.  My ankle that I re-injured during my fall in Charlotte last week cried for me to stop but the Monday madness that consumed me melted away. I couldn't stop moving! 

I still don't know what made me so mad at the world.  And I pray that I can keep my Wonder Woman attitude up for tomorrow.  I am going to dust off my Winsor Pilates mat and DVD and do that up.  I have a networking shin dig after work tomorrow. Schmoozing takes a lot out of ya! 
I was so over Monday by the end of my workout.  Go me and go away Monday! 


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