
Showing posts from 2015

No Rest for the Weary

I have the flu!  In fact, I've had the flu since last week right before Thanksgiving.  I haven't been sick since April.  That's a world record in my book of illness. And I can't really count April as being sick since it was really a chronic cough due to stress, which caused a hernia and resulted an additional antidepressant I needed to take.   So, here it is, I am sick.  Ironically, I stopped my COBRA (because it was super expensive) and applied for medicaid.  I am still waiting for my medicaid card to show up in the mail (which is mysteriously NOT being delivered at the busiest time of the year).  I am using self serve options.  Good old hydration and rest. The hydration part -I've got down pat.  The rest part.  I suck at it.  I totally suck at resting.  I have a feeling that if they could give an award to the least rested would be me! I have this intense drive to DO something at all times.  A ...

I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Scam!

Being a selectively free agent in the work world has exposed me to the disgusting underbelly of greed and just plain old weasel-snake behavior! (Yes, that is a term I made up in 90s, ask my best friend Cindy Van Wert!) My dad always told me that if it's too good to be true, it probably is.   I have seen so many get rich quick, no experience necessary, gig booking "help", auditioning tips, how to source clients and work from home gimmicks that my eyes are crossing and my blood pressure is definitely at it's worse. I consider myself a fairly reasonable and smart person.  However, these folks have gotten good to hide their internet trickery.  These guys are posting their bogus opportunities on valid job search engines, websites and using catch phrases that grab your attention.   It will take some time.  And if they ask for money up front, professionals have never heard of them, or if their website looks low budget and jenky- head for the ...

What I've learned while being voluntarily unemployed for 2 months

It's really ok to sleep in.  You're not lazy or uninspired.  You worked for almost half your life, take a break and rest.  It's all good. Exercise.  Since you're not working and walking around the office or sitting on your butt working at a have to move or you will begin to experience some less than pleasant weight gain which may make you more depressed. It may be good to list out all of the things you wanted to do when you were working that you now have the freedom to do versus walking around your apartment in circles asking yourself "Now what do I do?" Netflix is your friend and mortal enemy.  Binge watching can be very cathartic.  Binge watching for more than a few hours a day can be very non productive.  See #2. Ask for help.  There are people out there who have actually experienced being unemployed.  It helps to ask for help so you don't feel so lost.   I have the awesome benefit of having a few mentors and life coa...

8/4/15 is MY Independence Day

This sums up today quite well. My wise friend Sonja (as always) was right. I wasn't satisfied with my job(s) anymore and my health was failing so badly that my doctors told me to to leave. I finally made the decision and today is my first day of freedom.  To explore what I love to do or what I've always wanted to do.  For this week, I'm going to grease my ass and slide along! I'm going to relax- whatever that is and open my heart and mind to what my soul has been aching to do for 18 years.  Here's to finding my new sound!

Aches on a Plane

I am trying so hard not to cry on this plane! This Italian man who apparently either loves Harley Davidson or works for them is quietly snoozing next to me. I keep sniffing and only one eye is weeping. Don't you hate that?! Or am I the only freak that cries out of one eye? I hate crying!  I especially hate crying in public.  I just watched the film version of Into The Woods on the in flight service. I was in this show in undergraduate school. It was my 1st show actually.  It's near and dear to my heart! I was called back for Little Red twice.  Once I got called back at undergrad but got passed up for an upperclassman and the second time I was passed up for a kid after grad school (I was also called back for The Witch- another coveted role filled by a great actress who also didn't happen to have a sinus infection at call backs and was more awesome than me).  As I watched the film with ad...

Les Brown just wrote the whole theme of my Blog!


New Year, New Perspective

I hate to be cryptic but I've made some pretty deep decisions these past few weeks. My new year will be a year of risk, planning and a lot of deep breaths. I need to make some major changes in my life so that I can actually enjoy what  time is left ahead of me. I have some great support and have been putting a lot of plans in action each day. In other news- my health voice is trying to be strong but I feel like I'm spitting in the wind! I'm secretly cursing Jillian Michaels because I plan to do her Yoga Meltdown (the title is very accurate) 3 times a week.  Yesterday was Day 1 and I can't walk down the stairs or lift my arms. The other days I'm walking 4 miles.  For the past free weeks, I've been sick with Bronchitis doing a play which has now closed.  I have a clean slate and I'm going to get back on the fitness path. And hello Weight Watchers!  It's like reconnecting with an old friend.  An old friend that has a padlock on your fridge and...