Days of Recovery

The procedure went well. At least I hope it did. I wasn't able to speak to my doctor afterwards. I was super scared. I tried to lighten the mood in my room by watching "Saved By The Bell" and taking goofy pictures.  They let me keep these horrible socks and a pillow. That equates to $2200, right?! 

My follow up appointment is on 9/15. 
Some of my girlfriends came by to check in on me for the first 2 days.  It was nice to have the company, lunch, some sweets and watching "Frozen" for the first time. 

I've been so tired and sleepy- so I've been napping. Yesterday, I was cleared to drive. I went to rehearsal last night  since we open next Friday. 

Aside from the length of the rehearsal, I was starting to feel fatigued on my way back home. I woke up at 3:33am in pain. I felt like I was jumped and someone had kicked me strategically in my lower abs. I took some ibuprofen and turned on "Happily Divorced" (my back up to my guilty pleasure "The Nanny") and finally drifted to sleep by 5am. 

I woke up to a HUGE physical set back. 
I think it was the driving. It shook things up. Blah, yuck and more blah. 
I've got a cast party later today and I am looking forward to attending. My cute outfit has to be scratched because of the massive undergarment I have to wear. I feel like I'm back in 6th grade! 

I pray things calm down for Monday when I return to work. My manager is off the whole week and I'm still getting my sealegs with this new gig. I'm going to do some major delegation. 

Trying to find my recovery sound with this new job. I need to focus on relaxing while I can. 


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