I Have A Gig?! When?!!!
Today, I was approached by my guitar teacher to sing in a band with he and his brother. They recently decided to move to new venue and gig out.
I told them I was very interested but November and December were booked for the plays I have lined up.
I was assured I'd have plenty of time to learn about 20 songs(6 of which I need to play and sing on). Freaking out commenced after my lessons today.
Later in the evening I got a text that said we have a gig in 3 weeks!!!
I have been Rusty McRusterson for the past 3 months. I have avoided the guitar at all costs and forced myself to prepare for lessons. Now, BOOM the rubber has met the road. Motivation started.
I started freaking out about whether I'd be ready vocally and if I get cleared by my doctor to sing. I am honestly afraid to even do my vocal exercises for 10 minutes a day.
What if I re-injur my chords?! I can't do more vocal rest. I'll use the mic more. I chose songs that aren't super über blow out each time. I got this. I can do this.
I need to be smart.
Charleston Beer Works-October 11
My first really for real that I'm also playing guitar gig. Holy crap!
I got the following post from Les Brown on Facebook when I got home. How appropriate! I feel that my voice was a blessing I received from God to help people feel whether it be through coaching or singing. Whatever that feeling is: motivation, happiness, passion, etc. I have this sense that this is my place in this world.
Use your voice as an instrument to inspire you and to change the trauma into positive feelings. Look at yourself in a mirror and say "I love myself unconditionally
Speak life to yourself with power, feeling and conviction. Choose positive words that will transport your mind to a new reality. You Deserve! You have GREATNESS within you!!
~Les Brown
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