You CAN come home again but it ain't easy!
So I've been on an exercise hiatus and blog vacation. How lazy of me!
I really had no earth shattering things to share.
I returned back to NJ for the first time in 2 years. It's like visiting a planet. Things look different and odd but familiar.
As soon as I landed the homecoming tour began. I was whisked away to the shore to sing with my voice teacher at a gig. It was exhilarating! It was my first time singing out in NJ. I have done it tons of times in SC but in my hometown it was something else especially with my voice teacher. Then I saw more friends and then went to church to learn the whole Catholic mass had a remix and wonder why the drastic changes? More singing at a rehab center for the elderly who were so sweet and sang along with me. I was so moved I almost cried. It was a very proud moment. I'm grateful to be able to share a gift I enjoy so much with others.
I have been craving to play the guitar all week. It's funny when I'm at home I have to make myself practice. This week I don't have my guitar and I want to play every day.
I've managed to see everyone who I've planned to see so far but had to chill out yesterday with the running around. Tonight is a big bbq gathering and I hope to see another gaggle of pals. Friday will be the last night for visits. My girlfriend is having people over for a little chillfest. It will be good to see her and her family!
Dear NJ friends:Not to sound like a diva but you need to come to me versus me driving all over NJ looking for you. And friends with new or older kids. Me not having a car means just that. I can't walk 20 miles to see you and your children. Bring them by the house too.
My pre-retired parents are holding it together so far. They started to bicker right before bed last night but I nipped that nonsense in the bud. I love them dearly but they start to expire on the patience spectrum after 4 days. I leave for NYC Thursday. I stay with my cousin and can't wait to see the city in the summer. It's my favorite time to visit. I must get a dirty water dog and a hot pretzel. I aim to see a hot Broadway show. Fingers crossed we find a deal with tkts.
When I get back home, my boyfriend will be picking me up at the airport. This is a big deal in my eyes because I've never been dating someone when I traveled a ton for work and even when I wasn't I never had my man pick me up. Silly stupid magic first moment- these are a few of my favorite things! I will live in my own Lifetime movie original!
In other news....
I'm at a weight loss standstill even though my thyroid has been tested as normal. I do have a vitamin d deficiency but that's about it. I ate clean and no change. Then I ate dirty and even got shots of b12 in the bottom. No change!
I know I need to get back to the basics and adjust for this Neuroma in my left foot that I've been ignoring for the last three months. Not being able to walk each day was taking its toll in me. I was exercising. through the pain. I was more concerned about weight loss than the essential function of my foot.
It looks like Father Time has kicked me in the teeth and is saying "You're getting old deary and thems the breaks!"
So I need to figure out how to maximize my workouts while minimizing the pressure on my foot. I'm thinking power yoga, Bikram yoga, Pilates, and swimming. I'd like to get a swim cap like the USA Olympics swim team. I wonder how much that would cost?
Well off to do more meet and greets!
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