Blah Blog
I haven't blogged in a million years. Ok it's been a month or so but I haven't been up for blogging. I have been running around quite a bit chasing my dream of being a rock star.
I audition for The Voice this Saturday in L.A. I just heard this amazing song that I shazamed in the car and then flew home and learned how to play it on the guitar. I love it so much I think I want to sing it this weekend at auditions. Gavin Degraw's Sweeter. It has enough soul and rock/pop sound that spoke to my soul. It's rare that a new song hits me like that because I have the musical tastes of a 50 year old white man. But this really sang to me. Forgive the pun.
So I sang the first two verses and chorus through until I felt really good and I really think I am going to add this to my audition selection. That and either Proud Mary(safety song) and Etheridge's I'm the only one.
I still can't believe how much I have followed my dreams to sing this year! I have really found out a lot about myself since I moved to SC.
I'm still dating GI Joe. It will be 5 months this Sunday. It's odd knowing a guy who (from what I have learned so far) is normal. Sadly I am still waiting for the shoe to fall and me to be disappointed. I know! Stupid sabotage but I really have been conditioned to be let down.
We have glaringly different views on politics and how we articulate those views. He's unfiltered and I'm more mindful about not offending. I know it's the kiss of death discussing politics and race but it needs to be discussed. You can't hide from the world around you. I have learned that we may not have the same views but have learned to respect the other's point of view. I wish he would'nt generalize so much but I'm not immune to doing it either.
Gotta go to bed. Gotta work early so I can find a new place to live. Living in a townhouse that has been on the market for 2+ years and having to show my home on demand has worn me down and has caused me to feel unsafe especially since mtg front door was left wide open a few .months ago. That is not fun to come home to late at night.
I have to look out for myself and seek a happy place where I can live and not just keep perfect for showing. Hell! I'm not even selling the place! I just don't like having my life on display in disarray.
Yawn. Good night. Hopefully I will find a new and non showhome tomorrow.
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