Keep On Moving

Two Tuesdays ago Harvey had an Epiphany.  He realized after 5.5 months, he no longer believed he was ready for a long term relationship. This was of course after he agreed that he would try and prove to me that he cared about me and that he was very much into the relationship. This was also well after he introduced me to his closest friends and one family member.  After I shared some very close moments and my time with him. What was worse about this hijacking of my emotions, he called me that Tuesday night insisting that he "needed and wanted" to speak to me.  Me being a good friend and what I thought was a good partner, thought he needed some company because he was going through some tough times at work.  I rushed to his house to be there for him and was blindsided.  His words were a like a MAC truck t boning me against a tree that I had inscribed our initials in. He assured me that it wasn't me and it was all him and I wholeheartedly agree.  I gave him a little piece of my heart but after five months, wouldn't anyone who thought they were in a relationship do the same damn thing?! The funny part was that as I was walking from him house in tears I saw a big pioe of dog crap on the ground and thought, "just don't fall in the crap! It would be too ironic." I skilluflly dodged the pile and drove a few yards pulled over and sought sollace from several close friends.  I shouldn't have been driving in the state I was in but shock makes you do crazy things. I was crushed for about 4 days and then spent time with real friends who value my heart and feelings and I picked myself up and brushed myself off.Am I am OK. I needed to lick my wounds and cry and have my pitry party and I'm over it.  I just got my first wink in in months. I can hear Aerosmith's "Back In The Saddle" playing as my theme song. I recently tried out Bikram Yoga and I love it.  I have sweat out the negative and have inhaled new beginnings.  It is an amazing and powerful feeling to do 90 minutes of a Wellness routine that I have kicked some serious butt. I haven't done any classroom yoga in about six years.  I think I have discovered my new favorite Wellness treat.  I am going to try and find a location in Melbourne.  I leave for Australia in five days! My best friend's wedding is in Brisbane in two weeks. 2 cities on a new continent. And 2 weddings in one month.  I am bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding this weekend and the bff's in two weeks. I am very excited! So I have worked out 4 days in a row which is a record I haven't made in months.  That makes me feel terrific. I may not be able to run a half but I am going to work on mastering my poses. I am moving forward and backward and in between. My new meds seems to be working and I feel back to my old self. 


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