Change...Will Do You Good!

This whole week so far has been about Embracing Change.  

Monday kicked off with my EAP Embracing Change class in Wilmington, DE where over 50 employees at a bank listened to their peers and I discuss ways to go with the flow and embrace the changes that happen to us in life.  As I shared with the class, it's not the change that does us in- it's the transition and life and our businesses won't wait too long for us to get it together.  

We also discussed honoring the process and being proactive.  One wise participant discussed not giving up on the change just because we don't see immediate results.  We need to keep trying if we believe in that change and measure and celebrate the small successes on the way.  We also took away that it's ok to question the change but we need to remember to be mindful of how we're asking about the change and reframing the question to show that our intention is not to tear it down but to better understand the change.  It pays to be transparent when initiating and working collaboratively though the change.  

I got home and got my new logo for my business and LOVED IT!  It's a huge change and I was excited to share it with the world.  So I did! It totally reflects who I am and what my business is about! I'm so happy that my future SIL created such an awesome representation of my business.  

I was so charged up about change that I wanted to run up to the roof and do a Rooftop Revelation but I had no time!  I needed to embrace the newest change of going to my last training class for a new acting gig I got cast in.  I'm super excited about this new adventure and the cast is AMAZING!  I was feeling very uneasy about learning all of the intricacies of the show but as I taught my class earlier that day...I needed to be open to receive the new information, ask questions and trust that it will all come together.  

Cut to Tuesday!  I was taping for a new Radio Acting gig that I got and running off to meet my coaching friend for brunch.  As I was walking to the restaurant, I giggled to myself about how much has changed in my year and how I approach work as play and how business meetings are flexible and fun.

My coaching buddy and I were reminiscing about 2 months ago and where we were in our businesses.  We weren't in the strongest place but committed to pulling each other up and celebrating along the way.  Change Agents at work!  My buddy was telling me how she was so in demand for her business.  She explained that she was looking at her new business and the work that was coming with it as busy.  But she embraced the change in her life because this was what she called in.  She explained that the word "busy" gives such a negative connotation.  While "in demand" shows that there are oodles of clients that want to work with us.  We have raving fans and this is a great thing!  So let's reframe it and own it!  I liked that phrase a lot and started to work it into my vocabulary.  

As I walked home from brunch, I got another Radio Acting gig and an email from my client to put a ton of dates on hold for next year.  In demand- in action!  Change is here and I'm embracing every scintilla of it!

I get home and talked with my other coaching sisters in MentorMasterclass and they were great supports on how I was embracing the change of training at my former employer as a subcontractor.  It was an exciting but also a little scary because I didn't know the work group and it involved extensive travel.  

Another nugget that I recalled from this week of embracing change is asking for help!  Reach out to your support system. It's better to do that than get stuck in your head with all types of thoughts, assumptions and doubts.  

Wednesday came and I rocked the Radio Voice Acting gig and got to the training location in Upstate NY.  The situation that the client prepared me for was completely different from what reaction I got from the participants as I attempted to train the class.  I won't lie, there was an "Oh Shit" moment where I was trying to figure out how things were so upside down from a training needs perspective.  I quickly remembered that being agile and adaptable is what Change Agents do best. 

I pivoted and worked the original content into the discussion to build more awareness and openness with the group.  I had everyone participating and suggesting ways to initiate change in their work group.  It was amazing seeing folks pull together to be the change they wanted to see in their office.  I also provided feedback to the client so they can also be a part of the change honoring the needs of the class participants.  

The week wrapped up with  a taping to do for MentorMasterclass, pre-marital counseling, and we went wedding dress shopping!  Talk about embracing change...what an overwhelming experience to try on my WEDDING DRESS!  I said 'Yes' to the Dress!  So excited! Special thanks to The Wedding Factor who made my dress shopping experience so magical!

I think another take away is trusting yourself and your instincts.  I found things to be a lot easier to slide and morph once I surrendered and just friggin' let go and let God- as my grandma used to say. 


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