I finally got my name in lights!

I did it!  I got my name up in lights on a marquee after 1 year of working very hard to be heard in the Philly music scene!  

Last year at the Dewey Beach Music Conference, I set the intention to the owner that I would see her next year and that I'd be performing.   I remember her saying to me "OK."(and the tone was "Who is this chick?!")  But one year later, I saw folks noticing my name on the sign while I was waiting to perform my original songs to a packed house at Jimmy's Grille in Dewey Beach, DE.

I know it wasn't SXSW or the Grammy's yet but I had arrived in my own personal achievement.  This was a challenge that I took on and did it out of pocket and sheer grit and determination.  Manifestation works when you put yourself to work.  I didn't just wish on a star and hope to get selected. 

I took to getting out to the local music venues, networked my tail off, played out and practiced all year long.  2 weeks before I was about to perform at Dewey, I lost my guitarist.  And by the power of networking, I was able to find a new guitarist who learned my songs in hours and we were able to pull off an awesome set to the cheers and congrats of the crowd.  Special thanks to my friends and family and specifically, Dana Cox (my guitarist) - who rocked it out like a true pro.

A week prior to Dewey, I also sang in my first NYC performance getting my Broadway (ok, off Broadway) fix too! IT WAS MAGICAL! Same approach different location.

What I really want to celebrate is staying strong and resilient throughout the whole process.  Ironically, I'm training a class on Building Resiliency tomorrow for a client.  I was trying to think of examples where I walked my talk.  And then I thought "Duh!" This was a clear example of mind over matter, reaching out for support, and reframing my energy to serve me and not tear me down.  

What's next?  I need to keep putting myself out there. I want to record my songs and share them with more people.  I recently signed up for a local open mic to keep my chops fresh and keep working on my guitar playing while singing skills.  I've been approached to join a few bands too.  YES! I want to sing out as much as possible.  It's a simple goal but one I will continue to strive to achieve.  


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