Days of Recovery

The procedure went well. At least I hope it did. I wasn't able to speak to my doctor afterwards. I was super scared. I tried to lighten the mood in my room by watching "Saved By The Bell" and taking goofy pictures. They let me keep these horrible socks and a pillow. That equates to $2200, right?! My follow up appointment is on 9/15. Some of my girlfriends came by to check in on me for the first 2 days. It was nice to have the company, lunch, some sweets and watching "Frozen" for the first time. I've been so tired and sleepy- so I've been napping. Yesterday, I was cleared to drive. I went to rehearsal last night since we open next Friday. Aside from the length of the rehearsal, I was starting to feel fatigued on my way back home. I woke up at 3:33am in pain. I felt like I was jumped and someone had kicked me strategically in my lower abs. I took some ibuprofen and turned on "Happily Divorced" (my back up to my guilty pleasure "The Na...