
Showing posts from January, 2013

Quickie Mobile Blog

Just had wine with 2 other G.I. Joe exes. Awkward-no. Delicious and validating as to why I dumped his ass- yes!

Changing The Scene In 2013

So... It's been 20 days into the new year and a lot has changed! We open Little Shop of Horrors in 5 days. I was called to audition for one of the most popular Broadway shows in history -"Book of Mormon". The audition went well but who knows with these things. I was invited to be in a band with a very unique name and sound- Shrubbery Transit. Our first gig is on the same day as my first guitar gig at the famous music location -The Windjammer. 1/26 will be a challenging day. But I can't wait. I am doing everything I've ever wanted. I just have to reserve a bit of energy for work. I need to be at the office at 7:30 each morning. Ugh! So far so good. My sound is frazzled but content. Busy with things I love to do = happy.