You CAN come home again but it ain't easy!
So I've been on an exercise hiatus and blog vacation. How lazy of me! I really had no earth shattering things to share. I returned back to NJ for the first time in 2 years. It's like visiting a planet. Things look different and odd but familiar. As soon as I landed the homecoming tour began. I was whisked away to the shore to sing with my voice teacher at a gig. It was exhilarating! It was my first time singing out in NJ. I have done it tons of times in SC but in my hometown it was something else especially with my voice teacher. Then I saw more friends and then went to church to learn the whole Catholic mass had a remix and wonder why the drastic changes? More singing at a rehab center for the elderly who were so sweet and sang along with me. I was so moved I almost cried. It was a very proud moment. I'm grateful to be able to share a gift I enjoy so much with others. I have been craving to play the guitar all week. It's funny when I'm at home I have to make my...