Oops I Did It Again!
A coaching colleague of mine just called me out yesterday! I was filling her in on what was going on in the last few months. I shared that I worked myself into the energy point of no return. I was burning out. She quickly pointed out that at the same time last year, I was telling her a similar story about how I hustled so hard I needed to take a break. She highlighted that it appears that August is the season for slowing down. But I shouldn't be working so hard until I'm at the brink of burn out AGAIN. Oops! I did it again. I got lost in the game. What's interesting is that we focus on bad habits like smoking, over eating, negative self talk but I think we forget that how we work can also be a habit that needs close attention. My name is Joyel Crawford and I'm a workaholic. I hustle until I can't flow no mo. Building your own business is not easy or cheap. I learned that for 18 yea...