Change...Will Do You Good!

This whole week so far has been about Embracing Change. Monday kicked off with my EAP Embracing Change class in Wilmington, DE where over 50 employees at a bank listened to their peers and I discuss ways to go with the flow and embrace the changes that happen to us in life. As I shared with the class, it's not the change that does us in- it's the transition and life and our businesses won't wait too long for us to get it together. We also discussed honoring the process and being proactive. One wise participant discussed not giving up on the change just because we don't see immediate results. We need to keep trying if we believe in that change and measure and celebrate the small successes on the way. We also took away that it's ok to question the change but we need to remember to be mindful of how we're asking about the change and reframing the question to show that our intention is not to tear it down but to better understand the change. ...