
Showing posts from July, 2015

Aches on a Plane

I am trying so hard not to cry on this plane! This Italian man who apparently either loves Harley Davidson or works for them is quietly snoozing next to me. I keep sniffing and only one eye is weeping. Don't you hate that?! Or am I the only freak that cries out of one eye? I hate crying!  I especially hate crying in public.  I just watched the film version of Into The Woods on the in flight service. I was in this show in undergraduate school. It was my 1st show actually.  It's near and dear to my heart! I was called back for Little Red twice.  Once I got called back at undergrad but got passed up for an upperclassman and the second time I was passed up for a kid after grad school (I was also called back for The Witch- another coveted role filled by a great actress who also didn't happen to have a sinus infection at call backs and was more awesome than me).  As I watched the film with ad...