He's Leaving on that Midnight Train to Philly! (Actually he's driving there)

"So how are things with you and your boyfriend?" We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary last Monday! Huzzah! It's a world record in my relationship track record. How are we doing? Well. We're doing well. What a blah answer, right?! Last Friday, he advised that his 3 month contract has been increased to 5 months. YAY! He's got a steady income coming in for 5 months! YAY! IN PHILLY! (Crickets) He leaves right after Christmas so we have 2 more weekends left together. (More Crickets) He can’t wait to get out of Myrtle Beach. It makes me sad because he won’t be as close and it’s going to be expensive and challenging trying to manage a for real long distance relationship for that long. I’m going to try my best to budget my travel up there. The other challenge is that he would prefer to move back to Philly permanently. Remember my posts about moving to Myrtle Beach? ...