Coming Up For Air

It's March 6th and I'm JUST getting to blog! I have been so busy building my business and gaining new coaching clients that I've managed to shirk most of the things that bring me joy. Some would say growing your business is a great problem to have. I would agree to a certain point. I would say that I have been so focused on building my business, planning a wedding and trying to save the world- that the work stress monkey is on my back once again and I'm starting to experience some good old fashioned self induced stress symptoms. YAS! They're baccck! Since I'm hip to the fact that this is not how I want to live my dream job, I took a step back and started to question what the heck was going on. Where was this stress coming from and what was the root cause? I realized like in my old job...I was owning projected stress and expectations that others were placing on my already high list of expectations. I know it's an important gig! ...